Hill City Residency Program

Hill City’s Residency Program exists to train, equip and send leaders to serve the Church.


our Vision

The hope for Hill City’s Residency Program is that adults who desire to explore vocational ministry will get the opportunity to do so within the local church. After their time in the Residency Program, residents will be better equipped to serve the Church - whether vocationally or through serving as a high capacity leader. The Residency Program will help each individual better understand what they are called to do and how God has gifted them for ministry. As they are sent out of the Residency Program, residents will have a clear vision of where they are going and will be equipped to be effective leaders in the Church for generations to come.

Want to learn more? Watch this video!

Who should apply for a residency at Hill City?

The Residency Program is designed for individuals who feel called to vocational ministry and desire to learn how to resource the Church.

This is a two-year, full time position that is 100% support-based. Please email our Residency Director at ashley@hillcitysgf.org if you would like more information or have any questions.